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Profile for albertosimalan
Name albertosimalan (joined 19-Feb-2010) (pbase supporter)
Username albertosimalan
Location milan
View Galleries : albertosimalan has 95 galleries and 1735 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 5364431 times.

View Guestbook : 18 messages. Most recent on 24-Apr-2014.

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Message from albertosimalan
I take pictures only for my pleasure and for moments of human report with the met subjects.
However some pics are used by models for their promotion.
I like to photograph the emotion of people , when desire to express their sexuality by the body or its beauty through dress or facial expressions.
For this reason, sometimes shooting become a therapy of liberation, and the emotions between photographer and subject are manifested through the skin.

And this is what I do, I think and I love.

My books:

Your comments and votes are always appreciated, feel free to do that.
Please email me if you have any questions or comments.
All the best

ModelMayhem :
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