01-May-2014 14:07

[ Spring 2014 in The Netherlands ]
08-Jul-2013 18:52

[ Watermills in Twenthe (East-Netherland) ]
01-Dec-2012 21:18

[ november_2012 ]
22-Aug-2012 20:05

[ oldtimerfun_at_ruinerwold ]
14-Apr-2012 15:17

[ Winter and Spring 2012 ]
08-Nov-2011 21:36

[ Autumn 2011 around home ]
26-Jul-2011 12:01

[ zomer_2011 ]
15-Oct-2010 20:39

[ Some pictures during the summer of 2010 ]
17-Jan-2009 15:50

[ Winter 2009 in Holland ]
21-Jul-2008 21:10

[ Summer 2008 in The Netherlands ]
14-Mar-2008 20:55

[ pictures of the finidhed rebuild home ]
02-Mar-2008 15:29

[ Frost, Snow and Firecrackers december 2007 ]