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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> persons > pbase Lunch walk on November 13 2006.jpg
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pbase Lunch walk on November 13 2006.jpg

Nikon D80
1/160s f/5.6 at 120.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time13-Nov-2006 08:20:20
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length120 mm
Exposure Time1/160 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 14-Nov-2006 04:43
wonderful shot. I love the composition!
Sheila14-Nov-2006 01:45
It is a beautiful spot.
Guest 13-Nov-2006 23:06
stunningly composed. vote
royalld13-Nov-2006 22:21
The "young" couple add charm to this wonderful setting.
ewa toll13-Nov-2006 19:37
very nice
Gayle P. Clement13-Nov-2006 19:24
A beautiful scene, Joan.