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Pawel Kazmierczyk | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Barrie 28-Feb-2025 14:34
Found and old letter you wrote and wanted to say hello.
Norbert Fortelny20-Nov-2015 13:20
Good stuff to be found here for sure!
Keep it up!
kinta30-Aug-2015 10:14
Dear Pawel, thank you so much to visit so many my photos and galleries, and thanks deeply too much words for them. I will love nature even though often sever. And I would like to keep them for our children generation and forever. Let me keep in touch with you. Best regrads, kinta.
Orit Moore11-Aug-2015 17:49
Thanks for visiting my galleries and for the nice comments. As a beginner it means a lot to me. I love your pictures and your sense of humor. It is really enjoyable!
anuschka16-Jul-2015 15:40
Don't know if I ever commented, but I do like your interesting photography, have you with the favs and look regularly, love the windmills and the affection for camping.
perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:00
Je ne peux qu'être en admiration devant votre gallerie
hermankervel08-Oct-2014 09:08
nice pictures
Dave Petersen Photography07-Oct-2014 13:25
I really enjoy your images. So many eye catching moments.
Ann Cleeves14-Sep-2012 13:34
And I meant to do so much this afternoon....then discovered you! Have now spent nearly 2 hours exploring your great galleries...well, just 3 of them. Had a great time....most clever, eclectic and enjoyable galleries. Will definitely be back again to continue the journey.
Guest 25-Mar-2011 16:53
Pawel, Twoje zdjecia sa przepiekne. Gratuluje talentu!
Pozdrawiam serdecznie - Dorota.
Guest 22-Feb-2011 12:27

I just loved your writing.. you are a lot like me. Loved your photographs. keep posting. I also have the dream to work as a photographer for National Geography magazine.

All the best man. I am interested to work with you soemday.
rbfresno10-Dec-2010 08:05
Many masterful photographs!
anuschka11-Oct-2010 11:22
I had a great time this morning exploring many of your shots!
Thanks for sharing your unique and skilled work!
leovandenboer09-Sep-2010 16:02
Wonderful galleries!!thank for visiting my gallery.
Barry McCartney26-Aug-2010 21:07
Wow Pawel! I have gone through your galleries - you are a gifted photographer with a great eye for composition. I enjoyed my time here.
jola palasiewicz-orban 29-Sep-2009 05:11
pawel, just awesome and interesting work... the combination of composition, lighting and subject makes your photos truly amazing... all the best !! pozdrowienia z chicago :) jola
Debbie B.22-Sep-2009 20:47
Thank you Pawel, did you notice the train is going backwards. :-) I havent shot that train in a long time. Its an old V&T steam train at our local RR museum.
Ed Squires18-Mar-2009 16:42

I have had time to view only a small portion of your wonderful body of work. Your photos are of such diversity of subject and technique. All well captured and immediately captivating to the eye. You are well-travelled and your galleries capture your passion for so many aspects of life!

Guest 17-Mar-2009 10:46
Thank you for your wonderful photos of Tokyo and your thoughtful presentation.
James Trimbee22-Feb-2009 19:04
Hi Pawel, I'd love to get a crack at some of those Polish MiG-29's. I've got to get to Radom some time!
Guest 12-Feb-2009 23:58
It is very difficult to pic a favorite among so many good pictures. I really enjoyed your galleries. You have excellent photos (and a very good eye!)
Guest 11-Feb-2009 20:05
Hello Pawel
I really enjoyed visiting your galleries especially the Iceland one, thanks so much for all your nice and kind comments and of the viewing my images, I also have been stopping by earlier and will continue to do so.I love the photos you pic great work
Best Regards have a wonderful week
Guest 11-Feb-2009 11:47
Thanks for visiting my galery Pawel, your gallery is so much beautiful with a natural lights and colour, i wish i can go to your great place someday :)

Best regards
Dogmamom10-Feb-2009 17:22
Your photos are amazing. I usually lose interest pretty quickly when browsing galleries but in yours each one captured my attention and heart. You have such a wide variety of subjects, all with your very original perspective and they are technically masterful at the same time. Great work!
LynnH09-Feb-2009 15:40
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my galleries. I thoroughly enjoyed your photographs and plan to stop back again to see your latest additions.

I also enjoyed reading your statement on the profile page. I think a true photographer has many, many reasons behind his love affair with the camera.

Good luck in your future endeavors!
Alain Boussac04-Feb-2009 16:03
Hello, Pawel.
Many thanks for your so marvellous warm words on my guestbook !
You have fantastic varied galleries and pictures.
Vision, composition, light, all is at a very high level.
You have a great eye and I like your style of pictures.
All the best for you from France !
Guest 03-Feb-2009 19:19
Hi Pawel,
It's my turn to congratulate you and and all your photo work!
A real masterpiece.
I mean you have a great sens of composition and a personal photographic eye!
Keep on giving us the pleasure to contemplate those photos.
Best regards,
Tonny03-Feb-2009 18:50
Hello Pawel, Thanks you for your kind words on my just new gallery, there are more to come. It made me courious about your work and must say it is stunning,all images and espacialy the architecture work is wonderfull and I have a lot to learn.
Your passion is there, do doubt about that, keep up the good work!!

Christian Lallier03-Feb-2009 17:49
I have just made a short tour through your galleries and I have seen that we have similar approach of composition.
great sense of composition and color.
I will come more time
Guest 01-Feb-2009 21:00
Great Galleries
rocky18-Dec-2008 22:57
Hi, Pawel--Thanks for the gallery visit and kind words. Your galleries are a real treasure trove. =Rocky=
Zoltán Balogh27-Oct-2008 08:20
Dear Pawel,

It is really easy for me to love and appreciate your galleries and the photos within! They are very well seen, neatly composed in a unique style and clearly express your enthusiasm for various topics ranging from portraits to landscapes. Thanks for sharing them all and congratulations!
Keep it upP awel!

Guest 09-Oct-2008 23:00
Your galleries are filled with stunning images, and they have nonetheless demonstrated your acumen in and passion for photography. It has truly been a plesasure to view your work.

Oliwia Rumin11-Sep-2008 15:50
Super galeria!!! niesamowite zdjêcia. Dzieki za wizyte na mojej stronie!
Guest 28-Aug-2008 20:09
Thank you for commenting on my galleries. I'm really glad you did, cause it brought me to your wonderful work. Some amazing images here, I'm looking forward to coming back to see it when I have more time to enjoy the images.
Ralph12-Aug-2008 22:18
I'm a fan of your work! Very nice!
Nightstar12-Aug-2008 08:41
Thanks for your compliments, Pawel! You make me feel like flying in the sky hahaha^_^
Seem you like take photo of aircraft too.
Petros Labrakos10-Aug-2008 17:41
both technic and sensitivity characterizing
a talented person dignifying pBase assembly
best wishes
Guest 08-Aug-2008 08:38
Beautiful travel photos. you know you should really make an album in this site and show people (friend, family,site, etc ) where you get to travel like I suggested some friends here.

like this gallery:

its free and you can share with us the places you traveled to on the map. takes 3-4 minutes...
(this is NOT a site to replace PBASE, it's for sharing albums with music and send to friends and share here with your photos)
Wendy & Larry Burke07-Aug-2008 07:45
thank you so much for your kind words , we so pleased that you like our gallerys
Frode Johansen11-Jun-2008 10:45
Wow. Many beautiful galleries here. Keep up the good work ;-)
ania 03-Jun-2008 09:20
Spe³nienia paru dobrych marzeñ w Twoim Dniu Pawelq :)
Maciej Jaworski 12-Jan-2008 15:16
Ansel Adams said " A good photograph is knowing where to stand"

From what I can see, you know "where to stand"
Guest 08-Dec-2007 01:32
Gracias por el piropo. He pasado por aqui alguna vez, me gusta tu trabajo. Saludos. Leelooita
Guest 27-Oct-2007 02:27
Pawel, I just wanted to say how much I admire your great work. There is a variety and a vitality in your images that I really admire. You show the whole spectrum of life through your images and it is always a lot of fun for me to visit your galleries.
YAA31-Aug-2007 22:29
Interesting themes & nice photos! :)

Welcome to "Canon.G7 -- Traveller BlockNote"
Chad Ramsey27-Aug-2007 21:08
Thank you for the visit, comments and votes! :-)
I really enjoyed checking out your gallery and will be back to see the new things you add.
You really have some fantastic pictures! Regards from the US~Chad
Guest 26-Aug-2007 19:02
Thanks again for your nice comments, Pawel. That's a great compliment coming from someone with such a quality work.
Guest 10-Aug-2007 18:47
I particularly like the shots with a twist like some of the shots of planes. I also like the elegance of the Danish windmills and the natural beauty of winter.

Best wishes, Mark
zyziza08-Aug-2007 14:09
Hi Pawel! There are many fine shots in your galleries, but...
I appreciate high: "Photo a day" - full of amazing and different shots!.
And I love, though I don`t know why, - gallery: "Winter" :-)
dane08-Aug-2007 04:39
The respect and admiration is mutual my friend.
Marwan Habib07-Aug-2007 17:58
Thank you for your kind comments.
Coming from you it's quite rewarding as you too have a good eye for photo.
Visiting your galleries is always a pleasure.
Guest 23-Jul-2007 15:29
i came here and saw fantastic photos. well seen, well done. many sub-galleries, very interesintg subjects
was nice to meet u here in PBase, my friend!
Guest 09-Jul-2007 11:03
Thanks for the comment on my pictures
Bob White24-Jun-2007 09:51
Hello Pawel
Thanks for your visit you have some awesome shots in your galleries --- keep up the good work
Guest 08-Jun-2007 15:53
Thanks for your visit and kind comments, Pawel. Keep doing your great work!
Rosemarie Kusserow27-Apr-2007 08:41
Thanks a lot Pawel for your kind comments and votes on my shots, I´m really happy that you liked them so much, best wishes, Rosemarie :o)
Brussels Sprout19-Apr-2007 20:43
Thanks Pawel for visiting my galleries & posting comments.
You have fantastic shots in your galleries. No wonderyou already have 50.000 clicks in 1 month.
Tania Bounader09-Apr-2007 03:47
Thank you Pawel for your comment :) You have very nice shots in your gallery, I particularly like the 'amphitheater' and 'six dots', to name only a couple.
Cheers, Tania
Jola Dziubinska08-Apr-2007 17:25
Wonderful gallery, Pawel. Added you to my faves and will be visiting constantly.
Guest 05-Apr-2007 21:22
Great Gallery
Maaike Huizer05-Apr-2007 20:25
Hi Pawel,
Thanks for visiting my galleries and for your nice comments. Your galleries look great. You are obviously very talented. I will come back (as you are now one of my favourites). I would like you to come back to mine. And leave - if you like - a message in my guestbook.
Kind regards,
Guest 03-Apr-2007 10:17
Dear Pawel,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 03-Apr-2007 01:02
Welcome Pawel.
You do have some great photos here. Wish I could travel more like you are doing, but unfortunately, I did my travels around Europe in 1972 without my camera. Now, it's just around the U.S. when I get time. Hope you enjoy pbase, there are some great artists here.
David Dong02-Apr-2007 18:14
Enjoy the wonderful world of Pbase and please keep update your galleries :)=
Federico D'Incŕ01-Apr-2007 12:28
Great stuff Pawel. Tks for sharing !!
Richard Calmes23-Mar-2007 22:13
WElcome to pbase! You are an outstanding photographer! I hope to see a lot of your work in the future!