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Tom Briggs | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jeannie Hollenbeck 13-Jun-2024 02:29
Hi my father was Ronald Gilbert Hollenbeck he was there I just wanted to see if you knew my dad? Thank you for your service sir
Eli Finkelstein01-Mar-2024 15:51
LOL, thanks for your funny comment on the "lucky dog" in response to a pretty woman holding a dog. It made my day.
Guest 31-Jan-2018 18:24
I have slides of Viet Nam 1966, Air Force. Who would be interested in these slides?
Olga Vermeys,
Corinne 05-Mar-2017 15:04
Your photos are just beautiful and priceless. I never had the chance to visit Hong Kong in the 60's or 70's but here you have given me the chance and it is most inspiring for me to the point that I would want to write a story set in that time and era. Corinne
Chun Lo22-Oct-2016 06:14
Thank you Tom for leaving such nice comments... its really encouraging to get rave reviews from people such as you.. keeps me motivated to shoot more. I took a look at some of your work and I loved it, I will certainly vist it again.

Mike N02-Sep-2016 12:08
love all your historical photos ! Thanks for the effort in scanning them.
Guest 16-Nov-2015 18:34
Tom, 50 years ago I was home on leave before g0ing to Viet Nam. We arrived in early December 1965 and was stationed a few miles south of Saigon. Many of your pictures bought back memories of places I had been. My unit adopted an Orphanage and we had a collection box every pay day. The worst part about being in Viet Nam was coming home. I recall someone spitting at me at JFK Airport when I arrived home.
Casey L 05-Oct-2015 19:17
Hi Tom - Your horse pictures are beautiful! Can I have your permission to print a few of the horse pictures to frame and put in our son's room? He loves horses!
Thank You,
Guest 21-Aug-2015 01:00
I was in 'nam from May 1964-65 and your photos are the best collection that I've seen to date. Now maybe I'll get off my butt and get some of my collection on line...
Guest 16-Mar-2014 18:45
Tom, Was a MSG in Saigon in 1966. Trying to finda James Goodall from that unit. My name is Wes Allen. My CO was Lt Phillip Tucker and an SOB named Stokes (Gary). If you have any info. for this particular unit, would appreciate some assistance. Would like a complete Roster if possible. Respectfully, Sgt Wes Allen 1964-1970 Service # 2122437. Former member at this point, Pete Podhaski, Garrett Wood, Tom Dewitt, Melvin McKinney. My room mate was Mark Marshall the only Marine to lose his life in defense of the American Embassy.
Haroon 19-Feb-2014 05:48
Hello Tom ,
do you have email address of Major Scott.Dewitt or his address in the US ? I was his interpreter in Afghanistan.
I some how lost him I miss him and need to have contact with him.
you can also check my images with the major on his image gallery with the rest of interpreters in a Afghan military uniform .
rdavisphotos13-Feb-2014 04:11
Hello Tom, Thanks for your comments on my photos and for your service. I was platoon ldr. with 560th MP Co. based outside Qui Nhon - convoy escort to Pleiku. Seeing some of your photos brought back a few memories. Randall Davis
MIKE HOLCIK 25-Oct-2013 16:23
David Axe 05-Oct-2013 12:21
Tom, I'm writing about submarines at and I'd like to repost your 1974 Nimitz-in-the-crosshairs photo with credits and links back to your site. May I do so?
1684013820-Jun-2013 16:22
I was in Co. B 716th MP Bn under Capt. Morgan when the Victoria BOQ was attacked April 1,1966. I am in constant contact with Lt. Chester L. Lee's family and have their permission in trying to get MOH for Lt. Lee. Could you contact me at Thank you Tom
Michaelenne Smith 07-Apr-2013 14:04
Hi Tom
I am doing a story on a solider that KIA in November 1966. Would you please give me permission to use two of your photos in my story. "Sunset off Coast of S. Vietnam" and "Vietnamese Village in Mekong Delta" This story will appear in the local paper.
Jon Price 04-Apr-2013 20:09
Hi Tom, seeing these photos has brought many happy memories flooding back of the two years that I had in the New Terr. as an Engineer(SEK KONG) in 1972, nothing much has changed from the previous six years when you took the photographs of Kowloon / HONG KONG.Cheers!
Michaelvuicich 05-Jan-2013 22:28
Mr. Briggs,

My name is Michael and I am doing my 8th grade History Day report on the Tet Offensive. I would like to interview you on your experience during this event. What was it like, how did you come to be there. Any information from you would be very useful for my report. Thank you for your time

You can e-mail me at
Ian Dalgliesh05-Sep-2012 19:42
Way back in 1969,my elder sister did an exchange visit to Kentucky,bringing us back a picture of Old Rosebud winning the 1902 Kentucky Derby.It sat proudly,in our study for almost 30 years.
Frank Mc Gowan 24-Apr-2012 00:18
Thanks for the great photos, particularly those of Berlin in 1971.I was fortunate to have toured Berlin in late April 1971 .Saw their prep for ..May Day.also toured Soviet memorial cemetary..saw five mass graves with 1,001 unknown Soviet kia each.Thanks also for the pic of German and Italian troops at Heidelburg Kasserne which became Wilkin barracks ,my duty duty station from March 1971 to Feb.1972 thank you again
Guest 14-Nov-2011 19:36
Thanks, Tom, for the wonderful pictures of Hong Kong. I visited there in the early 1970's while in the Navy. My photos are all gone, but the memories are still clear. It was, and still is, a most beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Roger Gregory 27-Oct-2011 19:21
Dear Tom,

Healey Silverstone Images

I was scouting the internet looking for images of this classic car for personal use in my
online photo album when I came across your galleries. In the late sixties whilst on secondment to the Kenya Airforce I had the great privilege of racing one of these classics at the Nakuru (Langa Langa) Race track. The car owner ran the Petrol Station outside of the old Embakasi Airport in Nairobi where I used to fill-up my old MG Magnette, we became friends, and that's how I got the drive. I have lost contact with the chap so cannot get any photos. I would like to ask permission to use a couple of your images please. In the meantime I would like to say how much I enjoyed your galleries.

Best wishes
Dan Greenberg08-Jan-2011 17:00
Hi Tom,

After being spellbound by your latest 1964 era images, I just keep thinking how fortunate we all are that you became a photographer at an early age. I often wonder what type of photo journalistic artistry we would be blessed with if you had gone to Vietnam as a photojournalist instead of as a soldier. Thanks again for you friendship, support here on PBase and of course for all the great images and stories you share. Best possible 2011 to you and your family.

Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 15:36
Dear Tom,

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
Kat12-Aug-2010 20:45
Hi Tom
Thanks for your comments.
The man made building on top of the mountain, the Aiguille du Midi, is the cable car station
Read up here about it

Kind regards
Guest 01-May-2010 16:33
Tom, thank you very much for stopping by my gallery and the nice words. Indeed, Santa Barbara is my favorite city, I am home sick too.
Keep in touch

Best Regards,

Guest 07-Apr-2010 21:05
Tom, thank you for your friendship ! Glad to know you =) I have added facebook banner on my page, btw =)
Brian Meitiner 05-Mar-2010 11:53
Thanks Tom for allowing me to return to my time in Hong Kong. All my photos are lost but yours have brought back great memories of my time there in the British Army in 1966.

Brian Meitiner
J A L 01-Jan-2010 03:18
Hi Tom:
Thanks for visiting my galleries. I have to agree that we seem to have similar interests in our photography. I loved your shots of the Concours at Churchill Downs. I can't decide which is more elegant Pebble Beach or the Downs.

I also loved your Kentucky horse country pictures. We have nothing like that in California. The closest we can come around here is rodeos, assuming we can't saddle up our elephant seals and whales.
Bill Adams
Guest 22-Dec-2009 23:35
Hi, Tom,

I was looking for Maurine O'Connor and found the photograph of the sunset, the caption saying that she died in March 2006. What a jolt to have the news. I knew her years ago. What an amazing human being. Is there family to write to?

Sincerely yours,

Morgan Fisher
John Glines13-Nov-2009 09:43
Thanks for your comments on a couple of my photos. It's a good feeling to be appreciated.
Jan 23-Sep-2009 22:10
Hi, I looked you up because I am in the process of re-framing some wonderful ink drawings that I believe you may have done. My Dad was R.O. Fleming of Taikoo Dockyard and him and Mum were in Hong Kong from 1954 - 1980. Mum has a large drawing of their home... Kornhill. The three I have are all signed by Tom L. Briggs and dated 1974: The Train Station, Kowloon (with the clock tower); 9 Kotwall Street, Hong Kong; and 103 Robinson Road, Hong Kong. I love them, if it was you.... I thank you. Very fond memories of growing up in "old" Hong Kong.
Dan Goldsmith 16-Jan-2009 22:17
Good seeing you for dinner this week. Thanks for the link to your gallery. It looks fantastic. Can't wait to explore and comment


Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:49
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
XiaoBernard9910-Dec-2008 18:20
Dear TOM,
I don t know if I will get the time after.Have a nice time for the end of this Year.Big Kisses of France!
shane seals 03-Dec-2008 20:30
Tom, would like to use your horse farm picture for a brochure that I'm doing. Let me know what I need to do to get your permission. Thanks.
RD 03-Dec-2008 12:44
Hi Tom, would you happen to be the Art teacher of one of the secondary schools in Hong Kong beginning with K? If you are, please email me.
Tom Merigan28-Nov-2008 13:56
Tom Iam glad you enjoyed my african gallery We got within 15 feet of that male lion but they just do not notice us if we have just our head and shoulders above the Landrover top Tom Merigan PS I like following your lifetime travels in your galleries
John 15-Nov-2008 06:46
Hi Tom,

Thanks again for your comments. You have a wonderful gallery. Many very nice shots!

Tom Rook14-Nov-2008 09:57
Hi Tom...thanks for the comments on my photos. It gave me a chance to visit your site. So many places and subjects that I will keep returning to see more. Awesome work!
Ali Abrishami01-Sep-2008 12:26
I enjoyed visiting your galleries.
Fred Miller 28-Aug-2008 20:57
Your Saigon photos are remarkable...I was first there March-July 1965 and last in June 1968. Thank you for sharing and for the foresight to take so many wonderful photographs.
madelia12-Jul-2008 08:04
Awesome work. I am in complete envy.
vanessas25-Jun-2008 20:37
loved the pics, have left comments on many, more regarding their content than technical beauty - lived in hk from 67-79 where i went to school and learnt more in 12 years than in the rest of my life!!
Frank Ford 26-May-2008 02:08

Great photos. I was in Vietnam from Apr 68 to Jun 74... a long time, but few photos, so I appreciate your photos.

I have some videos of Saigon (and other places) past & present. If you're interested, take a look YouTube and search for: borntowander

Gerry Trumper 23-Mar-2008 02:18
Your pictures are of a good quality. I was in Vietnam from October 1966 till October 1967 in the 128th Assault Helicopter Company, TOMAHAWKS in Phu Loi. Mechanic, Door Gunner, and crew Chief. Many years have passed and yet when I look at some of the pictures it really does bring back some memories, may God bless and keep up the good work.

jutta reimann-speck 12-Mar-2008 18:39
beautiful pictures. tell your wife hello from jutta. i joined igs in '71. hired by mr lee. viele gruesse aus palm beach, jutta reimann
kimene S24-Jan-2008 13:15
An honor Tom..thankyou!
Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
XiaoBernard9929-Dec-2007 10:32
TOM I like to visit your Gallery,it is a trip to America with a americaner looking and also see your trip aruond the world with the colors of the past or of today.I like also your Duke portraits of life..You comments always are very appreciate and friendly.I thinl you are very different of me in the spirit and in the life,and perhaps we do not have a different of age...Merci mon Ami.
Happy New Year to all your Family and You of course.
Dave Berry26-Dec-2007 06:31
Tom, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for the many kind comments and for the encouragement. I have noticed that you leave encouraging comments for many of those who post on Pbase. You are truly a class act.
kimene S26-Dec-2007 01:56
Wishing you a wonderful New Year Tom! Thankyou ! Absolutely love visiting your amazing work!
Elmer Quianio25-Dec-2007 17:19
Tom, I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year!
kimene S19-Dec-2007 06:41
Thankyou tom! Ever inspired! wishing you a safe and wonderful christmas
Dave Berry29-Nov-2007 05:43
I love the many galleries and subjects you have captured. The Vietnam galleries are among the best out there. You have obviously travelled a great deal throughout the years. I hope that the majority was for pleasure. Thank you for the kind comments.
Dave Berry
XiaoBernard9917-Nov-2007 13:54
C'est dans les vieux pots que l'on fait les meilleurs boutures.He in English(and in Amercian !)It is in the old pot what we do the best growth!It is pleasant to look in your gallery aroud the world ,around the life .
Jeremy28-Oct-2007 08:12
Hi, Tom! Your galleries are among the best I have viewed on PBase. Like wine, some of your 'old' galleries which are scanned from slides and more than 40+ years old, are the best! Cheers.
Guest 25-Oct-2007 15:36
you're too kind
Guest 24-Oct-2007 12:56
Tom, thanks for all comments in my galleries. It is very much appreciated and makes it easier to continue shooting.

All the best
Guest 21-Oct-2007 03:10
thanks tom!
flowsnow18-Oct-2007 03:10
Hi Tom, Just wanted to leave my mark on your guestbook to say that I enjoy looking at your work. Thank you so much for your support and keep the pictures coming. Cheers.
Guest 17-Oct-2007 13:59
Hey Tom, thanks for the comment!
Cliff Smith04-Oct-2007 04:04
Hey Tom,

Thanks for visiting. Re. your comment on my image "Surf's Up" in the Costa Rica gallery:
"WOW ... what surf ... if I were them, I'd get out of the way"
That is exactly the feeling I hoped to convey.

Confession time . . . though the couple appears frozen in fear, they were actually quite safe. The magic is in the compression of a long lens that made the wave appear much closer to them than it actually was. It was really far enough out to sea to be fairly meek by the time it reached them, similar to the closer wave near them.

Ironically, I seldom shoot long, prefering a perspective-exagerating wide angle lens such as a 28mm (equivaqlent). Also, as a general rule, I seldom talk about my equipment choices but...rules are made to be broken, no? There is a reason that I don't talk about equipment (except to students). It is because I think that equipment only has about a 5 to 10 percent impact on the quality of an image, the other 95% coming from choice of subject, composition, and lighting. I suspect that you will agree with me on that.
Yves Marquis02-Oct-2007 00:16
Guest 30-Sep-2007 08:40
Hi Tom,

You are my first comments and by the look of your great pictures I'm honored! Thanks...


Nicole Dobbin
Cliff Smith29-Sep-2007 01:17
Hey Tom,

Thanks for your kind comments on my galleries (Costa Rica & America West). I intend to watch for future development of your galleries as well. I may not be adding too much to mine over the next few months; I had a pacemaker "installed" last week and am taking it easy for a while but I am looking forward to eventually doing a lot more traveling with my camera, especially after I retire in two or three years.

I think we may have been in the Vietnam theatre of operations around the same time but I was lucky to be in Thailand and pretty much out of harms way.

P-Base is really helping to shrink the planet, isn't it. Want to take a world tour? Just go to

Keep Shooting,
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Sep-2007 18:23
Thank you for visiting my galleries and for the nice comments. I see that you have a gallery of Kentucky horse farms. It was always my mother's dream to go to a Kentucky horse farm and unfortunately, even though she lived to be 91, she never got to go. She did get to the other place she always linked with Kentucky---Virginia.
Andrew Bott31-Aug-2007 13:06
Thanks for stopping by my galleries and leaving a couple of kind comments - truly appreciated. I was very interested to see your galleries from Hong Kong and Vietnam; for two reasons: 1) I've been to both countries, and 2) I was born that year. Interesting to see how recognisable they are all of these years later.
Mike Crowle18-Aug-2007 22:18
Tom, thanks again for your comments and votes and for sharing your impressive and varied galleries. Mike.
Guest 12-Aug-2007 19:49
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your nice comments on my pictures.
I was really amazed to see your galleries. You have really great shots. I like your compositions a lot. I'll will check your galleries on regular base.
Love your work.
matt_in_sha02-Aug-2007 14:20
Beautiful images. Your "historical" galleries are priceless! Thank you for sharing
Benny Yuen29-Jul-2007 12:39
Dear Mr. Briggs

Thanks a lot for your sharing and let me the old Hong Kong ^^
Mike Crowle26-Jun-2007 23:07
Tom, thanks for visiting my gallery and for your kind comments. I've enjoyed your galleries too and will certainly visit again.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 11:23
Thank you for posting your pictures. They're a great inspiration to me.
Elmer Quianio09-Jun-2007 11:19
Tom I like The Picture Of Your Wife With The "Pan Am" Background .Congratulations To Both Of You!!And A Great Story About (Pan Am)I Will Never Forget The (Pan Am 747)That's First Plane I Fly When I Came Here To New York.
Soenda28-May-2007 22:16
Among the many photos that you have posted for us to enjoy are pictures from your tour of duty as a soldier in Vietnam. Memorial Day seems like a fitting time to thank you for your service to the country. Thank you for laying your life on the line, for all the risks you took and the courage it required for you to take them. As one who watched from the safety of my television, I can't possibly know what it was like. But I do know that it cost everyone who was there, as well as their families and friends. Thank you for your courage on behalf of all of us.
Selvin Chance25-May-2007 02:15
Thank you very much for your kind commentary on the Rockefeller photo. Your world travels do make an exciting travelogue. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Guest 16-May-2007 16:18
Dear Tom,

great to hear you know Tuttlingen. Really good to hear that my hometown´s known by a so big traveller as you are.

thanks for visiting my galleries, I reserve the right to come back to visit your superb photos soon.

normank13-May-2007 15:29

Just got a chance to take a look at your galleries. Better not show them to wifey or I'll need to schedule a trip to Kentucky. :) I love the colors and quality; especially impressive considering you're using a 10D. Makes your compliment regarding one of my galleries all the more appreciated.

Norman (normank).
Peter Chou11-May-2007 06:58
Hi Tom,

Thanks for visiting my gallery. You have quite a collection of travel photos and the historical photos of Saigon are priceless!

Guest 07-May-2007 23:22
Hi Tom
A great gallery and what an exciting life you have lead.
Guest 04-May-2007 20:51
You have great talent, and I see you love to travel. I enjoyed going through your work!
Guest 20-Apr-2007 00:53
Hi Tom, you must have stationed in Saigon at the time, have you been back? If not, you should arrange a trip back there to see the modern day Saigon, you will like much more today. Take care. I am going there in a week, the fifth time back since 1975.

Take care.
Federico D'Incà07-Apr-2007 00:06
Tks once again for your comments Tom. On your Profile Page you show you have visited Kenya but i can't find a Kenyan gallery ? I would love to see them if you have any ! tks
Guest 01-Apr-2007 22:41
Hi Tom, Thanks for your comments on the Prague album :-)
Massimiliano Farinetti01-Apr-2007 15:12
Thank Tom. for visiting my galleries and nice comments.
I saw your images of Hong kong in the sixties: really amazing for whom, like me, adores this city.
Guest 01-Apr-2007 14:03
Hello Tom .. thanks for visiting me again. Always love to hear from you. Each time you do I spend some traveling with you vicariously through your images, too and for that I thank you. You can say I'm fairly jealous except for the Kentucky part, because I live here, lol.
Guest 01-Apr-2007 13:16
Hi Tom, thanks for your nice words re: my donkey photo. I visited your gallery and I really like the KY horse farm photos. You have a great eye.
Pawel Kazmierczyk01-Apr-2007 07:04
Great photograhy. I also love the way you keep the front page simple and uncluttered - with just a dozen galleries. Pleasure to visit !
Federico D'Incà31-Mar-2007 11:05
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your kind comments. I have now had the chance to look at your work which is fantastic. I especially love your Hong Kong Harbor shot 40 yrs ago. The changes are incredible. I have added you to my favourites and will revisit your galleries for inspiration. Tks federico
Rahul Dutta31-Mar-2007 10:33
WOW ...just browsed ur gallery ...wonderfull /colourfull snaps
Rahul Dutta31-Mar-2007 10:32
Thank u for the kind words Sir :)
Martha Albuquerque19-Mar-2007 11:28
Hello Tom!
You have wonderful galleries and images. I'll come back for more!
Thank you for your nice words, visits and suport!
tomr-photos18-Mar-2007 15:24
Hi Tom. Thanks for the kind words. :)
Paula Krugerud17-Mar-2007 05:47
Tom, thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my site! I appreciate you checking my photos out. I really enjoyed purusing through your galleries! Fantastic work!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:44
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 14:40
I have great respect for your work.
Guest 23-Feb-2007 21:05
Hi Tom,
Impressive images all round, thanks for your comments on mine. I'm unfortunatily now longing for Kentucky, what a tough life..
Guest 15-Feb-2007 16:16
Hi Tom, thanks for looking at my site. Your gallery is great. I am off to Scotland for holiday this year. You have great selection of photos there and around rest of Uk. WHen I was in Warwick the weather wasn't ideal as you could see on the photo. You would never have guessed it was the height of the English summer!
Craig Fraiser29-Jan-2007 21:48
Tom, I really appreciate your very nice comments and thnks for the visits to my galleries...I have you on my favorite artists list and have already done some "exploring"...Stay in touch...

Thierry Lucas17-Jan-2007 22:26
Hello Tom,
you have some beautiful pictures.
Thanks very much for your comments and votes.
Will go back to see more,

tomr-photos09-Jan-2007 00:56
Hi Tom. Thanks for the comments. If it's any consolation the Passage photos were taken at Pepsico. You gave me an idea. The next time I visit again I'll try to remember to photograph the Pepsi machines (and there were plenty...but no Coke machines anywhere). :)
tomr-photos07-Jan-2007 00:54
Hi Tom. Thanks for the comment. Interesting idea...but I don't know the names of the cars.
Guest 05-Jan-2007 21:56
Happy New Year, thank you for the comment in my galleries. i love your picture, great colors and compositions.
Lampridis Dimitris05-Jan-2007 15:57
Hi Tom. Thanks so much for the generous comments on my images , Happy shooting in 2007 *****
Guest 05-Jan-2007 02:31
Tom, thank you for your comment... Loved your Patagonia and Buenos Aires (my hometown), great colors and compositions. I'll be adding some more to my Patagonia gallery, just came back from there. Happy 2007!
tomr-photos30-Dec-2006 17:45
Hi Tom. Thanks for the visit and comment. I'm no golfer but what I've seen of some are surely peaceful looking to me. I think you might have some opportunities there with a camera.
Jola Dziubinska28-Dec-2006 22:27
Tom, thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving comments.
I've found your photos very attractive, clear, just beautiful. Plus so many interesting places around the world captured. Thanks for sharing.
All the best, Happy New Year.
Domingos, Noella, Arianna, Aaden24-Dec-2006 22:54
Thanks for your comments, Mr Briggs. You got some great photos too!! Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas.
Guest 23-Dec-2006 17:25
Thanks to visit my pbase album.
You have beautiful shots too.

João Adalberto
photokhan09-Dec-2006 19:14
Thanks for your recent kind comments in my galleries.
They meant a lot to me and you can be sure I am deeply grateful.
I will spend some time wandering through your photos as you also have very engaging stuff here.
All the best!
Alex Lau17-Nov-2006 01:59
Hi Tom, A great thank you from the DOWNUNDER. Hope you had a great time browsing album. You have many good shots as well, very colourful and well composed.


Guest 04-Nov-2006 22:06
Howdy Tom,
Thanks for your compliment. After seeing your picture at your page,it seems to me you've got the same interest in landscape photography like I'm. I saw all your pics and download many of them. Well done indeed. Best regards
Jan Wisniowski28-Oct-2006 14:52
Hi Tom , I'd like to thank you for taking the time to comment on my gallery.

All the best
Rob Sims26-Oct-2006 21:53
Hi Tom, thanks for your kind comments on my London at Night gallery. Always good to receive some feedback, especially noted from you as some of your galleries capture the real essence of a place. Rob
1moremile25-Oct-2006 00:07
Hello Tom. Thanks for the visit and comment on my photos. I've only had time to look at some of yours. They are all excellent. I will have to come back to view some more. There are so many good photos and I want to take the time to really look at them.
Brett Hochkins24-Oct-2006 04:42
Hello Tom. This is Brett from Australia. Thank you for taking the time to have a look at my galleries and for the positive feedback. Its nice to be validated by a photographer who's body of work is completely different from yours. You have travelled to some wonderful countries and have some fine photos of landscapes and architecture. I hope to emulate this at some stage and broaden my range of work so it is a little more accomplished. Hope to see you around pbase.