Bonte IJsvogel - Pied Kingfisher by Richard Diepstraten
The Gambia revisited, 2-16 February 2011 by Arie Ouwerkerk
Gambia by Robbie
The Gambia 2001 by Jan-Michael Breider
Kuntaur by John Fletcher
The Gambia, 1-15 December 2010 by Arie Ouwerkerk
Teugelijsvogel - Blue-breasted Kingfisher by Richard Diepstraten
Janjanbureh by John Fletcher
Gambia by Torben Jorgensen
Sahel Scharrelaar - Abyssinian Roller by Richard Diepstraten
Birds of Gambia January 2020 by Erwin van Saane
Lelieloper - African Jacana by Richard Diepstraten