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Guest 30-Nov-2017 13:49
Ciekawa galeria, gratuluję.
Stephanie31-Dec-2014 14:17
::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
*: (=’ :’) :::::::: Happy New Year Adam!! 2015! :::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
marie-jose wolff01-Nov-2012 15:48
Congratulations my friend,
today it has been 10 years that you are on Pbase,
great anniversary!
and you are always so creative!
Guest 10-Mar-2012 21:36
I have enjoyed browsing your fine work again.
The titles you give to galleries and images are an art-form in themselves.
Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:49
Greetings Z ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
Beata 09-Jul-2011 12:51
Droga Zyziu,

Czy moglabys jeszcze raz podac mi email adress do Pani Iwony Miliszewskiej-Nosko. Juz raz mi go podalas, skontaktowalam sie z nia, ale moj komputer wysiadl i stacilam wszyskie dane. Pisze do Ciebie z Toronto, Canada. Uwielbiam rzezby Pani Iwony i bardzo chcialabym skontaktowac sie z nia ponownie. Serdecznie pozdrawiam, Beata
Guest 30-Mar-2011 03:07
Thanks for the nice comment and vote on my Winter Scene...
Guest 24-Sep-2010 18:57
Fajny, naturalny styl fotografowania. Pozdrawiam Rafa³
John Armstrong15-Jun-2010 10:38
Just spent some time looking around your galleries. Your pictures tell a lot of stories, a fascinating collection of images. Looking forward to seeing more for you in the future

an nguyen20-Feb-2010 19:48
Thank you for stopping by my photos,
I admire your work , beautiful perspective and great vision.
Thank you for the constant supporting me .
Anne Nguyen
Guest 19-Dec-2009 15:57
Happy Birthday Adam :)
All the BEST for you, hug & kiss.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Oct-2009 12:11
Dear friend,i must to do a lot of compliments for your last gallery.
Even if we do different photographs,I recognize your great talent...
All the best,
Gerard Koehl12-Aug-2009 18:24
Je viens de passer un agréable moment à visualiser quelques une de vos belles images. Bravo l'artiste, je reviendrai régulièrement voir vos photos. Je vous ai ajouté à mes favoris.

A bientôt, Gérard
Guest 25-Jan-2009 06:42
Hi Zyziza,
If you can spare some time, I would appreciate very much your comments on the gallery:
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

Guest 26-Dec-2008 10:12
Hi Zyziza,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stefan 10-Oct-2008 23:52
Witaj Zyziza, bardzo Ci dziękuję za niesamowite zdjęcia. Mieszkałem w Krakowie 4 lata (jestem Włochem), a teraz wyjechałem, ale te zdjęcia są niesamowitym wspomnieniem. Dają w sposób doskonały wyjątkowy klimat tego wyjątkowego miasta. Bardzo, bardzo dziękuję. I oczywiście gratuluję, bo zdjęcia są naprawdę super. Stefan
Guest 01-Aug-2008 11:03
Great travel photos, you should really make an album in this site: and promote your galleries with him...

like this gallery:

after you will make your album Send them message here, ,and they will insert your website gallery under your albums.
Rosemarie Kusserow02-Feb-2008 22:02
Hi Zyziza, thanks a lot for your very kind comment and vote on this image, I´m glad you liked it so much, I shot this picture on a wonderful day I spend on this lovely *Schlachtensee* here in Berlin, best regards, Rosemarie :o)
Darbowski04-Jan-2008 22:21
Merci de ta visite et de tes commentaires, je reviendrai régulièrement visiter tes galeries originales et colorées que j'apprécie beaucoup.
A bientôt
Guest 10-Dec-2007 23:18
In thinking about your photographs, I am consistently impressed by your eye, as well as your sensitivity to light and the use of space. Thank you! More! zm
Roald Synnevaag24-Nov-2007 09:31
Thank you for visiting my galleries and for your kind comments.
Best regards
Roald Synnevåg
ceaser 24-Oct-2007 07:23
Ohhh azziz'i real love your photo.its so come from east africa.please just come and make a photo in our serengeti park at the Mountain kilimanjaro.this is my mail my phone no. +255 717 700479.i appruciate your work.
thanks and Regards
ceaser silla munanka
Guest 30-Sep-2007 12:32
Your photographs inhabit a place in the heart where sensitivity and kindness reign. There is, I think, love in all your images; a keen eye; and the sense that what is unique is mundane and therefore sublime. zm
MP Carney02-Sep-2007 18:05
You galleries are a pleasure to view. I like the perspectives, subjects, and lighting. Very nice.
Pawel Kazmierczyk07-Aug-2007 16:45
You really have a talent for photography. I have enjoyed visiting your gallery - the range of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the high quality. Well done, and keep it up ! Greetings from CPH. Pawel
Alejandro27-Jul-2007 18:13
Many thanks for the comments about my pìctures. I have to say to have a superb collenction of pics. Well done.
Martha Albuquerque23-Jun-2007 18:31
Hi Z!
I love your work. These latest photos you've been posting are awesome.. keep them up. Hugs and kisses,
your carioca friend,
Guest 15-Jun-2007 08:08
Your pictures are wonderful.
blizzard10-May-2007 00:20
fresh and a joy to view
full of mood and drama all ways creative and original
most excellent camera work
Guest 01-May-2007 11:04
Thanks for the vote on my picture
Ian Dalgliesh15-Apr-2007 12:34
Hi Zy,Thanks for your frequent comments.On this beastie,it was the first time I'd used a Fuji S5600 and was having trouble setting up the flash properly,but somehow it produced a nice image.
Petros Labrakos14-Apr-2007 14:22
wonderful galleries representing
an open,spontaneous and pleasant artistic temperament
I feel real luck for having met you!
my true best wishes
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:38
In awe.
Jean-Paul PLUME24-Feb-2007 15:16
Le hasard a voulu que vous ayez travaillé a Prémontré il y a une quinzaine d'années. Nous nous connaissions déjà grâce à quelques unes de nos photos, mais ce village que j'ai photographié, inconnu de tous sauf peut-être de nous deux, nous a permis de nous découvrir et nous apprécier davantage. J'aime vraiment beaucoup vos photos et attends moi aussi vos prochaines.
Ian Dalgliesh11-Feb-2007 18:19
Hi Zyziza,Thanks for your comment on the pub.My sister took us there today for lunch,but the weather has been very wet.After we'd eaten I came out to the car,as a shaft of sunlight pierced the clouds,and quickly snapped this shot.
susan hiatt29-Jan-2007 23:12
I really enjoyed your "Once Upon A Time" gallery
You know just how to capture the moment.
thank you for sharing
susan hiatt
Guest 20-Jan-2007 16:12
it was my pleasure to meet your galleries. u have great images, well composed and well seen.
keep up!!
Ohad R
Ian Dalgliesh31-Dec-2006 05:23
Hi again,Thanks for your comment.Have a happy and prosperous New Year.
Ian Dalgliesh20-Dec-2006 22:16
Hi Zyziza,Thanks for stopping by again.Glad you like the image.Thanks again for your encouragement.Happy Christmas.
Ian Dalgliesh29-Nov-2006 17:11
Hi Zyziza,Thanks for your kind words.
Ian Dalgliesh24-Nov-2006 19:34
Hi Zyziza,I'm not sure what:-) is supposed to mean.The scooter is mine.I got it in April this year,after riding motorcycles for 30 years.I got repetitive strain injury in my left hand and so moved to a twist and go machine.Why did I not do this years ago.?It is wonderful.
Guest 19-Nov-2006 15:46
I really appreciate all the nice comments you have made on my images and your votes on them are greatly appreciated as will...
Andrew Cornick19-Nov-2006 12:54
You have some fantastic images Zyziza, thank you for sharing them.
Ian Dalgliesh19-Nov-2006 10:00
Hi,Thankyou for all your kind comments on my images.
flowsnow18-Nov-2006 17:40
Thanks for commenting in my photo in my Eye Teaser Gallery. Your pictures are great..keep shooting and be in touch. Cheers
Guest 28-Oct-2006 18:48
Guest 20-Oct-2006 08:45
Thank you for the visit. Your galleries are wonderful. I enjoyed your photos of Cracow as much as the City itself when I experienced it last year.
Best regards - salpimienta
Martha Albuquerque14-Oct-2006 18:37
You are an sensible and great artist! It's amazing to see how many galleries you have, and they are all so beautiful, so full of life, good taste and mood.
marie-jose wolff09-Sep-2006 10:28
A lot of beautiful pictures in your galleries !
some masterpieces : downpour, rainy days in Cracow.
very funny pictures in "pad varia"
beautiful and peaceful nature scapes !
congratulations !
Lilith25-Aug-2006 15:24
Very sweet of you to come by again. Thanks for your comment.
Take care!
Guest 06-Aug-2006 07:03
I will to thank you for the very nice words/comments for my gallery : "Botanical garden, The Hortus" I appreciate it a lot. I visit from time tot time also your beautiful work!
Best regards, Ieke Vonk
Graham Tomlin05-Aug-2006 18:26
thanks for your kind comments of Jasmin glad you like her ..kind regards Helen
Guy Dube05-Aug-2006 17:46
Thank you again, Zyziza, for your comment for "Fashion Parade", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Guy Dube05-Aug-2006 17:21
Thank you very much for your comment for "Marche Bonsecours", I appreciate it a lot. About the Beatles, I am listening the White Album on CD.
Best regards
Lampridis Dimitris04-Aug-2006 13:22
Hi Zyziza , _ Thanks for your comment , enjoyed your galleries , EXCELLENT !!!
Guy Dube30-Jul-2006 14:49
I want to thank you for your comment for "La Carifiesta", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Photo Club Pavillonnais24-Jul-2006 14:39
joli regard sur la WHITE GALLERY !
Guy Dube24-Jul-2006 12:42
I want to thank you for your comment concerning "A Tourist Tour", it is very appreciated.
Best regards
Guest 23-Jul-2006 15:20
Thank you so much for all your comments on my Butterfly Gallery!
Guest 19-Jul-2006 20:01
Thanks for your commenton my picture, i'm glad you enjoyed it :)
marie-jose wolff15-Jul-2006 08:42
thank you very much for your comments on my galleries.
I wish you and in your family a very nice holyday in the mountains !
all the best,
Marie Josée.
Guy Dube12-Jul-2006 13:58
Thank you very much for your comment for "Premiere Communion", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Guy Dube25-Jun-2006 13:36
Thank you also for your comment for "Country road", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Guy Dube25-Jun-2006 13:32
Thank you very much Zyziza for your comment for "Frozen", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Guy Dube22-Jun-2006 12:45
I want to thank you for your comment for "Ombrages dans le sous-bois, I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
marie-jose wolff04-Jun-2006 20:34
Dear Mister Zyziza,
Thank you for your nice comments !
I love your sense of humour !
You have also very good galleries, the cracovian churches is a great collection !
best regards,
Guest 03-Jun-2006 20:54
thanx for the comments made me smile!!!
cheers your work to
Guy Dube03-Jun-2006 13:07
Thank you very much for your comment, Zyziza, I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Graham Tomlin26-May-2006 10:41
thank you for your kind comment on Helen's gallery we are fine thanks kind regards Graham /Helen.have a great weekend.
RaptoRi 25-May-2006 19:48
Bardzo fajna strona, du¿o Ciekawych informacji.
Na pewno jeszcze zajrze :)

Zapraszam te¿ do mnie:

3V Studio Toruñ - projektowanie i pozycjonowanie stron www
Guy Dube22-May-2006 13:57
I want to thank you for your comment for "The Kid", I appreciate it a lot.
Best regards
Jêdrek 12-May-2006 19:07
Galeria wspania³a, potrafisz patrzeæ i dostrzegaæ piêkno chwili
Kasia 11-May-2006 19:34
Niezwyk³a galeria, muszê czêsciej zagl¹daæ do poszczególnych folderów, bo okazuje siê, ze przybywaja nowe zdjecia, których dotad nie zauwazy³am. Pozwoli³am sobie to i owo skomentowaæ pod róznymi pseudo - ogólnie jest pod ogromnym wrazeniem. I mam tê przewage nad innymi odwiedzajacymi galeriê, ¿e jestem zupe³nie obiektywna...:)
Patrick DEBETENCOURT04-May-2006 16:58
You've a great collection of pictures here ! Thanks for your kind comments. Patrick
rick bolt24-Apr-2006 02:54
Doctor, doctor, give me the news, I've got a bad case of...(Robert Palmer) waiting for your next set of photos! Warmly, John Matt
Guest 13-Apr-2006 16:10
Hi there - thanks so much for the recent comments on my Corporate Traveler series. Great feedback and appreciate you stopping by to look and comment. Best rgds, Lawrence
rick bolt26-Mar-2006 02:37
More great pictures and a great sense of humor. As an aside, I vote for everything I comment on. Keep 'em coming! JM
Guest 10-Feb-2006 22:51
Chylê czo³o przed kunsztem artystycznym ;]
Guest 10-Feb-2006 15:00
Wiele piêknych zdjec....
Ja natomiast ostatnio mam ma³o czasu na zdjecia.... ale dzieki za mi³y wpi¶ :-)

Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography20-Jan-2006 17:34
Piekna pracka ,ogólnie rzecz bior±c.
Zaproszenie na spacer,z komentarzem a la long-¶wietny.subiektywnie/nolens volens /traktujê jak kierowane tylko do mnie./egotyzm,narcycm i inne -izmy,mi³e grzeszki !/
Pozdrawiam i czeka na odpis,a w nim odkrycie incognito ,bom ciekawa mocno.Matylda
Kasia 11-Dec-2005 00:30
Krzesla super! testuje mozliwosc wpisania commentu., Ciekawe, czy przejdzie...