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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase sunrise L1035731 July 28 2011 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase sunrise L1035731 July 28 2011 1 of 1.jpg

"Watching a sunrise, we open ourselves up to the beauty that nature creates, knowing it will never repeat itself just like this again." ~ Jake Rajs

Leica M9
1/15s f/3.4 at 90.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad29-Jul-2011 21:12
gold plated windows! there's posh. ;-)
Karen Stuebing28-Jul-2011 21:53
Love the way you captured most of it reflected in the window. Super sunrise.
Coleen Perilloux Landry28-Jul-2011 19:04
Excellent light. You are lucky that you're a morning person and get to see all of this.
Johnny JAG28-Jul-2011 19:03
Stunning light