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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> November 2006 > pbase First walk in Salzburg November 9 2006.jpg
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pbase First walk in Salzburg November 9 2006.jpg

Life is good, I got Wifi in this 14th century conference center!
First walk down to "old town" in the birth place of Mozart

Nikon D80
1/13s f/5.3 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp14-Nov-2006 22:04
Marvelous color and composition.
Focus11-Nov-2006 13:34
Wow.....beautiful reds!!!........well done.
Guest 10-Nov-2006 06:05
Great color and lines!
Sheila10-Nov-2006 02:07
Wow, Joan! Beautiful REDs!
Bob B.09-Nov-2006 21:30
Nice image - terrific reds! v
royalld09-Nov-2006 19:21
Gorgeous capture.
Jackdad09-Nov-2006 17:25
lucky you! you do get to visit some interesting places.
Linda Alstead09-Nov-2006 17:17
lovely and colourful